لیست ممنوعه لغات آیلتس

واژگان ، عبارات و مواردیکه که نباید تا حد ممکن در رایتینگ آیلتس استفاده شوند.
Blacklist words and phrases for IELTS writing
یکسری کلمات و عبارات هستند که نمی توانید در رایتینگ آیلتس استفاده کنید چون در لیست سیاه هستند. یکسری کارها هستند که نباید در رایتینگ آیلتس انجام دهید چون باعث می شوند نمره شما کم شود. به جای کلمات و عبارات لیست سیاه باید از کلمات و عبارات رسمی تر استفاده کنید. یکسری از این کلمات و واژگان به قرار ذیل می باشند.
1)- thing (n.), stuff (n.)
2)- people (n.)
3)- get (v.), have, give
You are heavily recommended to use more complex and accurate synonyms instead of the verbs on the above, such as achieve, grant and the like.
4)- You should avoid using idioms or slangs in IELTS writing
For example, it costs an arm and a leg to buy a house these days.
To cost an arm and a leg = to be expensive
5)- You should avoid using certain types of personal pronouns, such as you, we, us, etc. However, you can use I or my to express your opinion.
For example, if you set a goal, you can certainly achieve it by making huge efforts.
For example, In my view, using social media too much may lead to depression in the long run.
6)- You should avoid using the word etc. in IELTS writing.
Instead of etc. you should use and so on or and so forth.
In Iran there are many social problems, such as unemployment, addiction, poverty and so on. (etc. should not be used in IELTS writing.)
7)-You should avoid using short forms of verbs in your IELTS writing.
For example, can’t, isn’t, aren’t………………
8)- You should avoid using shortened words in IELTS writing.
info for information
asap for as soon as possible
uni for university
9)- You should avoid using outline sentences in the introduction.
For example, I will provide some reasons and argue my opinion in the following essay.
10)- You should avoid using clichés in a conclusion.
For example, The crux of the matter is………..
The above points illustrate my opinion about……..
All things considered………
You are strongly suggested to use the following.
To conclude,
To sum up,
In conclusion,
11)- You should avoid using informal phrases to express your view.
I reckon,
I’d say…….
As far as I am concerned, …….
You are strongly suggested to use the following.
In my view,
I hold the view that……
I agree with this view, because……………
12)- Avoid using simple words. Use more complex and accurate vocabulary.
13)- Avoid using informal quantifiers, such as a lot of and lots of in IELTS writing. Use more formal ones.
14)- It is better not to use phrasal verbs in IELTS writing. It is a good idea to replace them with more academic words.
15)- Avoid using simple grammatical structures, basic and casual language in IELTS writing. Keep your linking words and phrases accurate but natural. Finally, try to write your sentences in different ways, so that it’s accurate and natural sounding.
16)- bad (adj.)
17)- good (adj.)
18)- so
This is frequently used interchangeably with ‘very’, though neither is formal enough for writing. You may replace it with ‘vastly; especially; immensely or excessively’
19)- Avoid writing too many words in your essay. At most 265 words is ideal for writing task 2.
جزئیات بیشتر در رابطه با کلمات و عبارات لیست سیاه در رایتینگ آیلتس در کلاسهای آیلتس هیراد تدریس می شوند.
مشاوران ما در مرکز زبان هیراد هم اکنون آماده پاسخگویی به سوالات شما دراین زمینه می باشند.
ارتباط در واتس اپ: کارشناسان آنلاین
ساعت کاری این بخش: 9 الی 20:30
لینک های مهم
مشاوران ما در مرکز زبان هیراد هم اکنون آماده پاسخگویی به سوالات شما می باشند.
ارتباط در واتس اپ: کارشناسان آنلاین
ساعت کاری این بخش: 9 الی 20:30